Rep. Tenney Creates a Bill that Redirects IRS Funding to Border Security

The borders are becoming increasingly out of control due to the actions of the dems. They do not care about safety or security, only their own political agenda. We need to take back our country and protect our citizens.

They’re the ones who are allowing these people into the country illegally. It’s time for them to take responsibility and fix the mess they’ve created.

Biden’s Border Crisis is Out of Control

The US-Mexico border encounters of unaccompanied migrant children have jumped to 267,000 since Biden took office. Fox News reported, “Since taking over the White House in January 2021… border agents and officers at the US-Mexico border have encountered 267,000 such migrants. [This is] according to data released by the US Customs and Border Protection.”

Then they compared Biden’s performance to President Trump… and how he did better for our borders. Fox added, “For the fiscal year 2022, there have been 140,186 encounters with one month left to go. The months during parts of fiscal years 2018 and 2019… when then-President Trump occupied the White House, encounters involving unaccompanied and underage migrants only surpassed 10,000 once… in May 2019, according to CBP data.”

Every executive order Biden signed in his first days in office was only to spite Trump. The consequence didn’t matter to him. Unfortunately, those orders have led to a deteriorating country with massive inflation, supply shortages, and record-high gas prices.

Biden’s strategy was to undo everything Trump did. He ignored the border crisis instead of fixing it… which would have benefitted all parties. We’ve not yet begun to see the impact of the open border. However, it may get much worse in the years to come. 

As Trump said about the liberals, “They’re not sending us their best.”

Rep. Tenney Wants Bill that Redirects IRS Funding to Border Security

Rep. Claudia Tenney announced on Newsmax that she is forwarding a bill… to help ease our immigration problem. It intends to transfer the new IRS spending toward increased security at the southern border.

The patriot leader opened the possibility of the legislation if the dems won’t hinder them. Tenney said, “The last thing we need now is to make a bigger federal government with 87,000 new IRS agents. And really, all this bill does what is they call ‘rescission.’ It takes that money appropriated for those IRS agents, puts it back in the treasury, and makes it available for border security.” 

Then Tenney described the current situation at the border on how terrible it is. She said, “We’re about to close this fiscal quarter with 2.1 million illegal immigrants and encounters coming across our southern border… which is a record. Incredibly, this is happening… and the Biden administration doesn’t even seem [like] they want to deal with it.”

She added, “We could have another 9/11 in the making. I mean, all this is happening: and we have the president of the United States telling us to get vaccinated to protect us from Hurricane Ian.” 
Good thing Tenney is taking action, unlike most dem leaders who are seated in power. Maybe after the midterms, that legislation has a chance… especially if our Republican candidates win most of the seats.

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